My Last Cd for a while ….. Maybe….

My last studio cd was a group of songs co-written by members of house concerts I had played in Nova Scotia , New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario . Finished it up in an old cottage on the Eastern Shore of NS while looking at the ocean. These songs have been around.…/dp/B01CBIG4US…

I ASKED WHY???The Decline of CD Sales: Understanding the Crisis and Exploring Solutions for Artists

In the past 10 to 15 years, the music industry has undergone a seismic shift, with CD sales plummeting at an alarming rate. What was once a primary revenue stream for artists has now become a shadow of its former self. But what’s driving this decline, and what can artists do to adapt? Let’s explore the reasons behind the downturn in CD sales and the potential strategies musicians can use to stay relevant in today’s digital age.

Why CD Sales Have Declined

The most significant factor contributing to the decline in CD sales is the meteoric rise of streaming services. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music have completely transformed how we listen to music. The convenience of accessing millions of songs instantly, without the need for physical storage, has made streaming the preferred choice for many listeners. With subscription models offering unlimited music for a low monthly fee, the appeal of purchasing individual CDs has significantly diminished.

Digital downloads also played a role in this shift. While they, too, have seen a decline as streaming has taken over, platforms like iTunes initially diverted consumers away from physical media. On top of that, music piracy, though less prevalent now, was a major issue in the early 2000s and further eroded CD sales.

Consumer behavior has evolved, particularly among younger generations. Today’s music lovers are more inclined to discover and listen to music online rather than purchasing physical albums. The closure of many record stores and the shift to online shopping have further reduced the visibility and availability of CDs.

Environmental concerns have also influenced consumer choices. As awareness of the environmental impact of producing and disposing of CDs and their packaging grows, some consumers are opting to avoid physical media altogether.

Comparing CD Sales, Album Sales, and Streaming

To fully understand the landscape, it’s helpful to compare the different ways music is consumed today:

  • CD Sales: CD sales have nosedived over the past decade, dropping by more than 90% since their peak in the late 1990s. Today, CDs account for only a small fraction of total music revenue.
  • Album Sales: While physical album sales (including both CDs and vinyl) have declined, vinyl has experienced a resurgence. Vinyl records are now a niche product, appealing to collectors and audiophiles, but their sales don’t come close to the golden era of CDs.
  • Streaming: Streaming is now the dominant force in the music industry, making up over 80% of total music revenue. However, artists often earn only a fraction of a cent per stream, which can make it challenging to generate significant income from streaming alone.
  • Satellite Radio: Though not as widespread as streaming, satellite radio services like SiriusXM provide another revenue stream for artists. This medium offers curated content and has a dedicated following, particularly among certain demographics.

What We Artists Can Do to Adapt

Given the decline of CD sales, artists need to be proactive and explore alternative revenue streams and strategies:

  1. Diversify Revenue Streams:
    • Merchandising: Bundling CDs with exclusive merchandise can entice fans to purchase physical products. Offering something unique, like autographed items or limited edition packages, adds value.
    • Live Performances: Selling CDs at live gigs can be effective, as fans attending these shows are more likely to buy as a memento of the experience.
    • Fan Subscriptions: Platforms like Patreon allow artists to offer exclusive content, including physical releases, to subscribers, creating a steady revenue stream.
  2. Leverage Streaming:
    • Streaming doesn’t have to be the enemy. By engaging with fans on social media and promoting our music through playlists, drive up streaming numbers and gain visibility on these platforms.
    • Consistent engagement with our audience can also help boost our presence in algorithms, making our music more discoverable.
  3. Embrace Vinyl and Limited Editions:
    • Consider releasing our music on vinyl or as high-quality CDs in limited quantities. These can be marketed as premium products, appealing to collectors and dedicated fans.
  4. Crowdfunding:
    • Crowdfunding can be a powerful tool. By involving our fans in the creation process, we can ensure there’s a demand for your physical releases and foster a stronger connection with our audience.
  5. Niche Marketing:
    • Target specific audiences who value physical media, such as audiophiles or fans of genres that prioritize high-fidelity sound. Tailored marketing efforts can help reach these niche groups.
  6. Direct-to-Fan Sales:
    • Build a direct sales strategy through our website or platforms like Bandcamp, where one can offer exclusive deals and have greater control over pricing.

The decline in CD sales is just one aspect of the broader transformation in the music industry. While it presents challenges, it also opens up new opportunities for us artists willing to adapt. By diversifying revenue streams, leveraging new technologies, and maintaining a strong connection with fans both on the web, and at live shows, we artists can continue to survive despite the changing landscape.

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That’s The Way It Goes

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Earliest Documented Song Rewrite (😉)

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50 Years Ago Something Happened.

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I have released 3 solo projects since 2012 including Same Old Feeling, House Plants, Shame Shame Boogie and plus a family cd White House On The Hill. Here are some of my favourite tunes from those cds with a bit of info on each project.

SAME OLD FEELING written while living on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia. My band with a dab of Garrett Masons guitar changing everything on a few tunes. Produced by Mike Trask at Echo Chamber in 2012.

HOUSE PLANTS is a collection of songs started at house concerts with my audiences. I finished the tunes at home using the Masterwriter App and went into Memramcook Recording Studio in 2015 with Mike Trask producing and my band doing tracks.

SHAME SHAME BOOGIE is a single release with my band and the addition of Myles Goodwyn on guitar, harmonies and final production.

WHITE HOUSE ON THE HILL is a mix of songs sung and composed by myself and my 9 brothers and sisters with house band. Recorded at FMP with Scott Ferguson on board and produced by Ian Sherwood. Done in 2017 to support MADD Canada after my youngest sister and her daughter were involved in a near deadly crash with a drunk driver.

Some Of These Children




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1759 Poem Gets New Life As A Song

It was over 4 years ago as my wife and I shared our honeymoon in Costa Rica, when I got commissioned to write a song based on the story told in a poem from 1759 in which the Americans were attempting to attack Chester, Nova Scotia. A new song adventure for this songwriter! I tried to write the song in a style that might have been popular in the taverns of the day where many story songs where performed.

The three pages below tell the original story/poem from 1759 depict the events of an American ship arriving into Chester Bay with the purpose of pillaging and whatever went along with that activity. The story of how the woman of Chester saved the town is quite amazing.

I completed the song in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, and emailed a demo to Dawn Harwood Jones who had contracted me to compose it. Here is the melody and chord chart as arranged by Peter Robson.

THE story continues…..
This year my wife and I summered outside Chester close to where this mid 1700’s story had taken place. This was our way of dealing with Covid-19 isolation. We had a beautiful cottage overlooking the water and as we were walking through the house the first day my wife, being a visual artist, noticed a painting (below) in one of the bathrooms and remarked that she thought this painting was depicting the story of the poem and the song I had composed. As I checked the painting I realized it was as she had stated. What an experience this was! On the back was a note with information on the artist Jose Valderde.
Here are the painting depicting the invasion of Chester by an American ship in mid 1700s and the note found on back of painting.

Dawn Harwood-Jones had made arrangements for me to perform the song with a childrens choir a few years ago. This video below shows that performance at a Chester church with the Chester children’s choir and myself after a rather short rehearsal. After almost 300 years the story gets told, in song, in that same Town of Chester, probably very close to where the original story took place.

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Organic Songwriting Sessions Online With Jim Henman.

Final lyrics for a few Organic Songwriting tunes.

FREE 30 minute intro session . See below.

Hi to you, visitor. I’m a songwriter and performing musician and one of the musicans who co-founded April Wine and received a Juno for my part in that venture. I now play with Myles Goodwyn in his acoustic trio and in FRIENDS, an electric trio.

I’ve written more than 150 songs (so far!) and about a 25% of those have been recorded on my own albums and by other recording artists.

Have you dreamed of writing a song? For yourself ? For friends? For family? For someone special? Take a poem you’ve written and wrap it in a melody? Or turn an idea that’s been bumping around in your head into lyrics and music? Or perhaps you would just like a new musical experience like collaboration or just a “tailor” made song by you and I.

I know the magic in collaboration, too, having co-written songs with masters of the craft like Myles Goodwyn, Joel Plaskett, Terry Kelly, Laura Smith. I’ve also written songs with folk artists like Bill Jardine (and am working on a tune with Dave Gunning) plus Roots stuff with Harry Mike Trask. I’ve written songs with first time writers like Cathy McConnell, Phil Flemming and Corky Dow. I have also cowritten tunes with people like Tom Bedell who knows his songs from working at Q104 here in Halifax.

Organic Songwriting

I use a process I call Organic Songwriting. Planting seeds and see which ones take root, then flower. Then hone storyline, imagery, lyric, melody, tempo, emotional tone and structure using the craft of songwritng. One of the tools I use is MASTERWRITER which has all my tools I use.

Organic Songwriting will lead us in creating your song.   We’ll finish up – if you like – by recording your song for you to keep.

Online Sessions

Since the pandemic I’ve moved my songwriting sessions online, using Zoom, Messenger and Facetime.  It’s been working well.

If the idea of writing a song intrigues you, SEND ME A MESSAGE at and we’ll schedule a free 30 minute Intro Session so you can get a taste of Organic Songwriting.  

Feel free to check out my detailed bio at

Here is an Organic Songwriting cowrite with an amateur song writer Fred Lawrence called Show Me Your Sweet Smile. Fred had a true story in mind so we set it right where it happened. We weren’t going for a hit just a song he is proud of. Recording by Flynn T.


Here is another song, created with first time songwriter Cathy McConnell, using the Organic Songwriting Method . Cathy brought me a poem as the basis for this song. She loves it she tells me.

[If you are interested in a Free 30 minute session please contact me at ]

Another Organic Songwriting tune composed by myself and Corky Dow. This tune started with some lyric ideas from Corky. Holding His Hand with Flynn L on recording and vocals.

The next Organic Songwriting song cowritten with Phil Flemming “Come Back Home”. Phil started writing tunes a few years ago in his 50s. Phil brought some lyric ideas and an idea for a melody.

Over And Over is a tune I wrote with 5 redidents in a recovery house. I was in Mexico at the time and we did it over Messenger in 6 sessions.

Some of these Children is a song Myles Goodwyn and I penned in response to the mass Indigenous graves found in Canada.

Gonna Hit Reset is a cowrite with Halifax songwriter Bill Jardine. Demo sung by Flynn Tanner.

Three examples of Organic Songwriting tunes which made it to cds.

Pyjamas my first Organic Songwriting song started with fans at house concert
Tough As It Was – an Organic Songwriting tune started with fans at house concert.
Everyday- another Organic Songwriting tune started with fans at house concert.

Try a FREE 30 minute intro Session into this songwriting adventure by contacting me at email

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Story of “Round In Circles” a co-write with Joel Plaskett

A little nostalgic thinking about a 1967 Mustang, 60s radio, being younger, staring at the ocean and daydreaming gave me this song. I recorded with acoustic guitar and let it sit for a few years. I was going thru tunes, it caught my ear. Shortly after I ran into Joel Plaskett in Dartmouth Taz Records in downtown Dartmouth. I impulsively asked if he was interesting in working on this tune and after an hour or so in his studio it was done. Recorded for Edge Of Heaven CD for a family project. Ian Sherwood produced at FMP studio with Scott Ferguson on the board . I hope it takes you back a little.
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My version of Walk Right In Written by Gus Cannon.

I recorded this in 2013 with my now deceased friend and bass player Charlie Phillips. He also played guitar on this. Every so often I take it out and dust it off just for old times sake. I first lheard this tune in late 50s or early 60s done by the Rooftop
Singers using 2 twelve string Gibsons.
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